Monday 20th November

On Monday 20th November I joined the Skype call with Adesola, Matt, Laura, Charlotte and Natalie. I unfortunately joined late due to missing a bus (the joys of London aye?) but joined in with a discussion about networking, CVs, reflective journaling and attempting our final essays.

I found the session useful in developing ideas and hearing other people’s points on topics. I especially found it useful to revisit the topic of CVs, which we cover at the start of the module. It was nice to explore ideas and develop on them now that we are further into the module e.g. by including points and views on how networking can come into the topic also.

It was interesting hearing how other had been going about their reflective journals. I think for most of us it wasn’t an easy topic, as it was something new but we helped each other in how we could try different ways of reflecting and finding time to do so. For me personally so far I’ve been jotting down things that I’ve been thinking about on random scraps of paper but I’ve been failing to then write them up. At the moment the main issue I’m facing is finding time to write up my ideas, reflections and observations I am having about my industry because I’ve started rehearsals for the Christmas time. Rehearsals are however a good thing, as they are giving me real world moments to be observing and reflecting on what I’ve been learning and how that applies to my life currently and also thinking about how it differed from when I was solely auditioning. Also, some days I am not noticing things because my mind is just too engrossed in something else.

I think from the discussion the best way forward for me is to just set aside a couple of hours a week to type up my notes I make into my journal but also write a reflection then about how I maybe feeling about it now e.g. whether I agree with it still or my thoughts on it might have developed further on from that.

I am going to explore further on some points later in the week on here, so apologies for the inconsistency of my material but there is more thoughts coming if you’d be interested to read.

Matthew x


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