Induction Session
Hi everybody so blog starts today!!
I had my induction, a bit late, on Monday with Adesola and it was interesting speaking to her about the course I am about to start and also discussing ideas about the course with her and fellow students. I introduced myself to the group of people on the Skype call and it was comforting to hear other students in similar positions to me and also that another Matt lived in London too. It was nice to hear that many others had successfully managed to juggle working and learning life and completed the course well.
I spoke to Adesola about my concerns about not being in a performing job currently and how that might effect my ability to participate in the course. However, Adesola explained that being between jobs is just as much of being a performer as being in a jobs is - something that previously I had been been giving myself a bit of a tough time about but listening to Adesola I find completely true. So I'm going to try and make a conscious effort to remember that in my daily life now, as I begin a new chapter of education, in a new chapter of my life and in a new place as I moved house recently too!
Audition on Thursday and then a couple of days work until we officially start the first 12 weeks of the course!
Please feel free to follow me on my journey or if you are fellow new students or even students from other modules that I haven't yet had chance to speak to please do say hello and tell me how you're feeling about the course.
Matthew x
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