Apologies for not posting in a while, I've been busy setting up work for the Christmas season and have been struggling on getting back into academia with a perfectionist attitude (I'm going to reflect on this further and then discuss it in a post).
Web 2.0
After reading the reader for module 1 I've been reflecting on how web 2.0 is important in my career and in my life. It's odd for me to talk about a web 2.0, as I never really knew a web 1.0. Growing up in the 00s computers have always been a thing for me, they have however advanced in my life time, so I thought it best for me to reflect on changes I have witnessed, rather than other changes outside of my knowledge. I also thought it would be good to talk about how these changes in the internet and social media have changed my career and how it works.
First of all what is "web 2.0"? Web 2.0 is a more advanced form of publicising information and views. Similar to this blog, although this is a slightly simpler version of web 2.0. The main difference between web 1.0 and web 2.0 is that there is no set 'author'. All members of the platform are both the producers and users. Nicknamed "produsers" by Bruns (2007).
Take this blog for example, we are both using the platform and although I have posted (published) content you can also comment and add to the topic I have discussed. This is a simple form of web 2.0 but is a way in which we can share creative content and explore ideas.
What makes a good platform is an ease of use (e.g. not a large cost to use, doesn't take a lot of time to use and doesn't require a lot of skill to use), in turn this ease of use creates a larger possible field of users and the main thing about web 2.0 is that the platform is only good with a 'collective intelligence'. Meaning that if both user and producers don't continue to add to the conversations and create new content then the platform is no longer exciting or engaging to use.
I've been thinking about why is it engaging to use though?
My response was that it gave people who necessarily didn't get a voice the chance to share their views. It encouraged participation because it needs participation to work - as without it there is no producer and without a producer there is no user. Rather than have someone give you something to read, you have to be apart of the discussion, and I think that is why it has become so important to teenagers and children. The reason being they rarely get a voice but through this platform they do. Oddly a field of people I concluded might benefit from it are elderly people - as sometimes they don't get the opportunity to express their voices so much, however, again this comes down to accessibility to an ease of use.
How does this web 2.0 effect my career pathway though?
In my life time computers have become more easy to use as they have become more portable. They've become more portable as you now have more affordable computers you can travel around with from phones to tablets to laptops. With this increase in ease of use web 2.0 platforms have become more common place, every phone has Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Google, Twitter, Whatsapp, Snapchat the list goes on, which now means it is a viable platform for marketing yourself as a product, finding contacts, using is as an aid for auditions, networking, become part of projects, hearing about jobs, discovering new events and expanding yourself as an individual. The way in which web 2.0 has effect both my personal life and profession life is huge. The main thing it has done however is bring them closer together, which is both a good things, such as it gives me more opportunists to expand myself as an artist but it also brings negatives things such as not allowing me an easy way to switch off from 'working'.
Below I've listed some benefits to my career I've found from having web 2.0 platforms more common place compared to when discussing previous methods with peers in the industry:
>Ease of auditioning - self-taping is a viable way of auditioning now, in which you can send a video for a part if you're unable to attend an audition, you can also send show-reel footage too of your work
> Ease of transferring large documents - as well as helping with being able to 'dropbox', 'Youtube' and 'We transfer' video footage for an audition, you can also be sent audition material and rehearsal material with better time, less money and less effort e.g. not via post as it used to be.
>Advertise yourself and abilities - it is now so simple to share a video of you dancing on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and because of it being web 2.0 people can share easily to friends and more people have access to this footage. Some people have made careers off of Instagram or YouTube as singers, dancers and actors e.g. Justin Bieber or Tori Kelly. Todrick Hall has made a music career, musical theatre career and television career because of his use of web 2.0.
>Allows a more informal way networking - take platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp and Facebook - these platforms link you to people you have interests with so gives an ease to networking, they give you a more comfortable and informal way of bonding with someone and both of these things can give you great contacts in the industry and can strengthen contact you already have. For example, last year I did a panto and for this production we had a whatsapp group in which we could let each other know quickly of changes to a rehearsal schedule and of details to do with the show but we could also bond as a company and share jokes due to it being a more informal setting. As a result of this we then shared a stronger bond as a company and performed stronger work with better quality as we were a more complex team unit.
Let me know how web 2.0 affects your life and how you communicate. Are there any other examples you can think of with web 2.0 launching people careers?
Web 2.0
After reading the reader for module 1 I've been reflecting on how web 2.0 is important in my career and in my life. It's odd for me to talk about a web 2.0, as I never really knew a web 1.0. Growing up in the 00s computers have always been a thing for me, they have however advanced in my life time, so I thought it best for me to reflect on changes I have witnessed, rather than other changes outside of my knowledge. I also thought it would be good to talk about how these changes in the internet and social media have changed my career and how it works.
First of all what is "web 2.0"? Web 2.0 is a more advanced form of publicising information and views. Similar to this blog, although this is a slightly simpler version of web 2.0. The main difference between web 1.0 and web 2.0 is that there is no set 'author'. All members of the platform are both the producers and users. Nicknamed "produsers" by Bruns (2007).
Take this blog for example, we are both using the platform and although I have posted (published) content you can also comment and add to the topic I have discussed. This is a simple form of web 2.0 but is a way in which we can share creative content and explore ideas.
What makes a good platform is an ease of use (e.g. not a large cost to use, doesn't take a lot of time to use and doesn't require a lot of skill to use), in turn this ease of use creates a larger possible field of users and the main thing about web 2.0 is that the platform is only good with a 'collective intelligence'. Meaning that if both user and producers don't continue to add to the conversations and create new content then the platform is no longer exciting or engaging to use.
I've been thinking about why is it engaging to use though?
My response was that it gave people who necessarily didn't get a voice the chance to share their views. It encouraged participation because it needs participation to work - as without it there is no producer and without a producer there is no user. Rather than have someone give you something to read, you have to be apart of the discussion, and I think that is why it has become so important to teenagers and children. The reason being they rarely get a voice but through this platform they do. Oddly a field of people I concluded might benefit from it are elderly people - as sometimes they don't get the opportunity to express their voices so much, however, again this comes down to accessibility to an ease of use.
How does this web 2.0 effect my career pathway though?
In my life time computers have become more easy to use as they have become more portable. They've become more portable as you now have more affordable computers you can travel around with from phones to tablets to laptops. With this increase in ease of use web 2.0 platforms have become more common place, every phone has Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Google, Twitter, Whatsapp, Snapchat the list goes on, which now means it is a viable platform for marketing yourself as a product, finding contacts, using is as an aid for auditions, networking, become part of projects, hearing about jobs, discovering new events and expanding yourself as an individual. The way in which web 2.0 has effect both my personal life and profession life is huge. The main thing it has done however is bring them closer together, which is both a good things, such as it gives me more opportunists to expand myself as an artist but it also brings negatives things such as not allowing me an easy way to switch off from 'working'.
Below I've listed some benefits to my career I've found from having web 2.0 platforms more common place compared to when discussing previous methods with peers in the industry:
>Ease of auditioning - self-taping is a viable way of auditioning now, in which you can send a video for a part if you're unable to attend an audition, you can also send show-reel footage too of your work
> Ease of transferring large documents - as well as helping with being able to 'dropbox', 'Youtube' and 'We transfer' video footage for an audition, you can also be sent audition material and rehearsal material with better time, less money and less effort e.g. not via post as it used to be.
>Advertise yourself and abilities - it is now so simple to share a video of you dancing on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook and because of it being web 2.0 people can share easily to friends and more people have access to this footage. Some people have made careers off of Instagram or YouTube as singers, dancers and actors e.g. Justin Bieber or Tori Kelly. Todrick Hall has made a music career, musical theatre career and television career because of his use of web 2.0.
>Allows a more informal way networking - take platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp and Facebook - these platforms link you to people you have interests with so gives an ease to networking, they give you a more comfortable and informal way of bonding with someone and both of these things can give you great contacts in the industry and can strengthen contact you already have. For example, last year I did a panto and for this production we had a whatsapp group in which we could let each other know quickly of changes to a rehearsal schedule and of details to do with the show but we could also bond as a company and share jokes due to it being a more informal setting. As a result of this we then shared a stronger bond as a company and performed stronger work with better quality as we were a more complex team unit.
Let me know how web 2.0 affects your life and how you communicate. Are there any other examples you can think of with web 2.0 launching people careers?